Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Keto Weight Loss Update - Week 4

10 Years. It's been 10 years since I was at this weight. I'm impressed, to say the last.

So, week 4 results are in, and the numbers are a bit odd. Over the past week I missed 3 of my 5 workouts again, and had a day where I ate significant amounts of carbohydrates. The morning after our night out, I took three capsules of Keto by Design (as discussed during Week 0).

That said, here are the numbers:

Day 0 -  197 lbs, 35% body fat.
Day 7 -  195.5 lbs, 33% body fat
Day 14 - 194.5 lbs, 32% body fat
Day 21 - 192.5 lbs, 31% body fat
Day 28 - 190.5 lbs, 33% body fat

On Day 0, I weighed in at 197 lbs with 35% fat, which equates to 69 lbs of fat. (yuck).
On Day 7, I weighed in at 195.5 lbs, with 33% fat, which equates to 64.5 lbs of fat.
On Day 14, I weighed in at 194.5 lbs, with 32% body fat, which equates to 62.24 lbs of fat.
On Day 21, I weighed in at 192.5 lbs, with 31% body fat, which equates to 59.68 lbs of fat.
On Day 28, I weighed in at 190.5 lbs, with 33% body fat, which equates to 62.87 lbs of fat.

Last week, I lost 2 lbs of weight, but gained 2% body fat. Could this be a bad reading from the scale? I doubt it. Here's why - I started trying to eat high fat, as dictated by the Keto experts. They say anywhere from 60-75% fat, and 15-20% protein, with 10% or less of carbohydrates. So, my guess is that the days that I was kicked out of ketosis, I was eating high fat, and thus my body stored the extra fat. I'm not fussed, partially because I am going to start doing a better job of avoiding the carbs, and because I'm going to start pushing to work out at least 4 times a week, if not 5. I detailed my usual workout scheme last week.

Another reason why I don't think it was a bad reading from the scale is that I take my reading every week on Tuesday morning on an empty stomach, right after getting out of the shower. I have nothing to eat or drink before I get in the shower.

Anyway, what I will likely do is find a place locally that does Bod Pod measurements and get a professional body analysis, and if it's not too expensive, repeat this monthly.


I don't have any recommendations on any good keto books this week, as I've been reading and compiling recipes from my previous suggestions. See my previous posts herehere and here.

#keto #ketolife

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