Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Keto Weight Loss Update - Week 21

Week 21 results are in, and I lost weight again this past week, but after reading the numbers, I was a little confused.

I didn't do any exercise this week, and while I lost 1 lb, I gained body fat. This could be due to the body fat analysis scale picking up food in my digestive system. I'm not really sure about that, but have noticed some fluctuations in the reading that seem to depend on what I've been eating. I'm eating a lot more veggies than I was, and less protein, so that could have an effect, as the system uses electrical resistance to measure lean mass, so it would figure that if there's a large amount of protein in your system, that the scale might see that as lean mass.

Anyway, the numbers show that my body fat percentage went up by 1%, while my weight dropped to 178.5 lbs.

As I mentioned, I'm eating a lot more vegetables, and less protein. I'm going to get back to exercising again, hopefully, so we'll see what happens with that.


Week 21 - Weight 178.5 lbs, 27% body fat.

Raw Diet Numbers

Day 0 -  197 lbs, 35% body fat.
Week1 -  195.5 lbs, 33% body fat
Week 2 - 194.5 lbs, 32% body fat
Week 3 - 192.5 lbs, 31% body fat
Week 4 - 190.5 lbs, 33% body fat
Week 5 - 188.5 lbs, 31% body fat
Week 6 - 186.5 lbs, 31% body fat
Week 7 - 187.5 lbs, 29% body fat
Week 8 - 186.0 lbs, 29% body fat
Week 9 - 185.0 lbs, 30% body fat
Week 10 - 182.0 lbs, 29% body fat
Week 12 - 183.0 lbs, 29% body fat
Week 13 - 184.5 lbs, 29% body fat
Week 14 - 183.0 lbs, 30% body fat
Week 15 - 185.5 lbs, 28% body fat
Week 16 - 183.0 lbs, 30% body fat
Week 17 - 182.5 lbs, 29% body fat
Week 18 - 182.0 lbs, 28% body fat
Week 19 - 181.0 lbs, 28% body fat
Week 20 - 179.5 lbs, 26% body fat
Week 21 - 178.5 lbs, 27% body fat

On Day 0, I weighed in at 197 lbs with 35% fat, which equates to 69 lbs of fat. (yuck).
At week 1, I weighed in at 195.5 lbs with 33% fat, which equates to 64.5 lbs of fat.
At week 2, I weighed in at 194.5 lbs with 32% body fat, which equates to 62.24 lbs of fat.
At week 3, I weighed in at 192.5 lbs with 31% body fat, which equates to 59.68 lbs of fat.
At week 4, I weighed in at 190.5 lbs with 33% body fat, which equates to 62.87 lbs of fat.
At week 5, I weighed in at 188.5 lbs with 31% body fat, which equates to 58.43 lbs of fat.
At week 6, I weighed in at 186.5 lbs with 31% body fat, which equates to 57.82 lbs of fat.
At week 7, I weighed in at 187.5 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 54.38 lbs of fat.
At week 8, I weighed in at 186.0 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 53.94 lbs of fat.
At week 9, I weighed in at 185.0 lbs with 30% body fat, which equates to 55.5 lbs of fat.
At week 10, I weighed in at 182.0 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 52.78 lbs of fat.
At week 12, I weighed in at 183.0 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 53.07 lbs of fat.
At week 13, I weighed in at 184.5 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 53.51 lbs of fat.
At week 14, I weighed in at 183.0 lbs with 30% body fat, which equates to 54.9 lbs of fat.
At week 15, I weighed in at 185.5 lbs with 28% body fat, which equates to 51.94 lbs of fat.
At week 16, I weighed in at 183.0 lbs with 30% body fat, which equates to 54.9 lbs of fat.
At Week 17, I weighed in at 182.5 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 52.93 lbs of fat.
At Week 18, I weighed in at 182.0 lbs with 28% body fat, which equates to 50.96 lbs of fat.
At Week 19, I weighed in at 181.0 lbs with 28% body fat, which equates to 50.68 lbs of fat.
At Week 20, I weighed in at 179.5 lbs with 26% body fat, which equates to 46.67 lbs of fat.
At Week 21, I weighed in at 178.5 lbs with 27% body fat, which equates to 48.20 lbs of fat.

#keto #ketolife

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