Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Keto Weight Loss Update - Week 19

Week 19 results are in, and I totally missed entering the last two weeks, so I've inserted those.  I worked out a couple of times during Week 17, and did some heavy yard and garden work in preparation for spring planting, so that counts as exercise in my book.  It included building a new raised bed, digging and moving dirt and compost, etc.  It was actually pretty physical.  My weight has continued to come down, and body fat has dropped too, yay!

The numbers show that my body fat percentage went back down to 28%, which is back down to the lowest it's been so far.  I hope to continue that downward trend, especially with spring coming, and yard and garden work starting soon.

I just have to keep on doing what I'm doing, I guess. My diet has been heavier on the protein than is probably good, so I'm going to back off on that a bit, and just eat more vegetables and fats.  I am still not using the combination of butter, coconut oil, and heavy cream in my morning coffee.  I removed the butter and then the heavy cream, but have since added 2 tablespoons of MCT oil back in.  I started that back in Week 17.


Week 19 - Weight 181 lbs, 28% body fat.

Raw Diet Numbers

Day 0 -  197 lbs, 35% body fat.
Week1 -  195.5 lbs, 33% body fat
Week 2 - 194.5 lbs, 32% body fat
Week 3 - 192.5 lbs, 31% body fat
Week 4 - 190.5 lbs, 33% body fat
Week 5 - 188.5 lbs, 31% body fat
Week 6 - 186.5 lbs, 31% body fat
Week 7 - 187.5 lbs, 29% body fat
Week 8 - 186.0 lbs, 29% body fat
Week 9 - 185.0 lbs, 30% body fat
Week 10 - 182.0 lbs, 29% body fat
Week 12 - 183.0 lbs, 29% body fat
Week 13 - 184.5 lbs, 29% body fat
Week 14 - 183.0 lbs, 30% body fat
Week 15 - 185.5 lbs, 28% body fat
Week 16 - 183.0 lbs, 30% body fat
Week 17 - 182.5 lbs, 29% body fat
Week 18 - 182.0 lbs, 28% body fat
Week 19 - 181.0 lbs, 28% body fat

On Day 0, I weighed in at 197 lbs with 35% fat, which equates to 69 lbs of fat. (yuck).
At week 1, I weighed in at 195.5 lbs with 33% fat, which equates to 64.5 lbs of fat.
At week 2, I weighed in at 194.5 lbs with 32% body fat, which equates to 62.24 lbs of fat.
At week 3, I weighed in at 192.5 lbs with 31% body fat, which equates to 59.68 lbs of fat.
At week 4, I weighed in at 190.5 lbs with 33% body fat, which equates to 62.87 lbs of fat.
At week 5, I weighed in at 188.5 lbs with 31% body fat, which equates to 58.43 lbs of fat.
At week 6, I weighed in at 186.5 lbs with 31% body fat, which equates to 57.82 lbs of fat.
At week 7, I weighed in at 187.5 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 54.38 lbs of fat.
At week 8, I weighed in at 186.0 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 53.94 lbs of fat.
At week 9, I weighed in at 185.0 lbs with 30% body fat, which equates to 55.5 lbs of fat.
At week 10, I weighed in at 182.0 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 52.78 lbs of fat.
At week 12, I weighed in at 183.0 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 53.07 lbs of fat.
At week 13, I weighed in at 184.5 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 53.51 lbs of fat.
At week 14, I weighed in at 183.0 lbs with 30% body fat, which equates to 54.9 lbs of fat.
At week 15, I weighed in at 185.5 lbs with 28% body fat, which equates to 51.94 lbs of fat.
At week 16, I weighed in at 183.0 lbs with 30% body fat, which equates to 54.9 lbs of fat.
At Week 17, I weighed in at 182.5 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 52.93 lbs of fat.
At Week 18, I weighed in at 182.0 lbs with 28% body fat, which equates to 50.96 lbs of fat.
At Week 19, I weighed in at 181.0 lbs with 28% body fat, which equates to 50.68 lbs of fat.

#keto #ketolife

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