Monday, November 19, 2018

Keto Weight Loss Update - Week 10

Week 10 results are in.  I apologize for taking so long in getting these posted, as Week 11 results get posted tomorrow.  Honestly, I forgot that I hadn't posted them.

 Last week was a pretty good week, despite traveling for the weekend.  Traveling can wreak havoc on any 'diet', especially one where you're trying to avoid carbs, so planning is everything. I made sure to bring plenty of keto-friendly snacks with me for the 4 hours drive.  Then, when you're in a different town that you're not familiar with, finding restaurants that have meals that are at least modifiable to be keto-friendly can be difficult as well.

Week 10 - Weight 182 lbs, 29% body fat.

Anyway, I ended up losing 2 lbs last week, and 1 percent body fat, so I think I did fairly well!  I didn't drink my bulletproof coffee for about half the week, so maybe that was the difference.

What's bulletproof coffee? It's my daily-driver that I add 1 tbsp of butter, 1 tsp coconut oil, and enough heavy cream to taste.  For purposes of fat loss, I need a calorie deficit, meaning fewer calories than I burn, so, I'll still continue with my regular diet this week, but just remove the added extras to the coffee.

As I mentioned previously, I'm doing NaNoWriMo, so I'm not working out this month.  Unfortunately I'm behind due to my trip, which caused me to miss 3 days' worth of writing.

Currently, I am at around 27,000 words of my 50,000 word target.  I should be, by the end of today, at around 31,600, I believe.  I should be able to make that up this week with the Thanksgiving holiday giving me 2 days off from work.


Raw Diet Numbers

Day 0 -  197 lbs, 35% body fat.
Week1 -  195.5 lbs, 33% body fat
Week 2 - 194.5 lbs, 32% body fat
Week 3 - 192.5 lbs, 31% body fat
Week 4 - 190.5 lbs, 33% body fat
Week 5 - 188.5 lbs, 31% body fat
Week 6 - 186.5 lbs, 31% body fat
Week 7 - 187.5 lbs, 29% body fat
Week 8 - 186.0 lbs, 29% body fat
Week 9 - 185.0 lbs, 30% body fat
Week 10 - 182.0 lbs, 29% body fat

On Day 0, I weighed in at 197 lbs with 35% fat, which equates to 69 lbs of fat. (yuck).
At week 1, I weighed in at 195.5 lbs with 33% fat, which equates to 64.5 lbs of fat.
At week 2, I weighed in at 194.5 lbs with 32% body fat, which equates to 62.24 lbs of fat.
At week 3, I weighed in at 192.5 lbs with 31% body fat, which equates to 59.68 lbs of fat.
At week 4, I weighed in at 190.5 lbs with 33% body fat, which equates to 62.87 lbs of fat.
At week 5, I weighed in at 188.5 lbs with 31% body fat, which equates to 58.43 lbs of fat.
At week 6, I weighed in at 186.5 lbs with 31% body fat, which equates to 57.82 lbs of fat.
At week 7, I weighed in at 187.5 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 54.38 lbs of fat.
At week 8, I weighed in at 186.0 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 53.94 lbs of fat.
At week 9, I weighed in at 185.0 lbs with 30% body fat, which equates to 55.5 lbs of fat.
At week 10, I weighed in at 182.0 lbs with 29% body fat, which equates to 52.78 lbs of fat.

#keto #ketolife

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